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I've spent the last couple months trying to come up with a good emulator program for AMT, or Action Management Theory. It's taking me longer than I thought it would, but it's worth it because there are still people out there who don't know about this theory and want to learn more about it. I've finally made enough progress with the emulator to call version 0.8.1 complete (though I'm sure that if you read my code you'll find tons of bugs). I've had to take some liberties with v0.8, though it's actually more accurate than v0.7.3 was (which itself was extremely accurate, but lacked realism). Here's a quick run down of what's new in this build: * A new action has been added to the Action Taxonomy called "Evaluate Action". This is an Action that does nothing but evaluate the Action it is given. The Action can be saved for easy recall later on if you need the Evaluation. The Evaluation Action also makes for a good example of how Actions are built, so there is a button in the interface to quickly construct one of these if needed. * A new Action Taxonomy action has been created, called Trigger Action. This Action is similar to the existing Go To Action in that it does nothing but cause the next Action in the taxonomy to be executed. Trigger Actions can be saved so you can recall them later, and they can also be triggered from the interface by right-clicking on a node and choosing Trigger Action from a popup menu. * Finally I have added a new component called a "Logic Builder". This is a visual way of constructing an If Then Else statement. The logic builder is completely optional, but it makes it easy to set up simple conditional actions between any two Actions in the taxonomy. It is essential to understand how these work to build an AMT. To install version 0.8.1 edit the AMT Emulator configuration file (amt_emu-config.xml) in this directory: true eccc085e13
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